Friday, August 29, 2008

On The Journey...


I traveled to work this morning, as usual. It wasn't anything special but I was in a particularly great mood! Anyway, as I traversed the roads I've come to know and love I was waving (lifting my pointer finger) to everyone who passed me. It's a Kansas thing, I suppose but I've transplanted it to good ol' Iowa. My hope was and still is that everyone I meet will wave back in some fashion. Most people don't wave back and that's fine. They don't HAVE to. But my reasons for doing it are listed here. Although the people I pass don't know why I wave, I think it would be good for you to read this so you know why I do it.

1. It's Kansas tradition. People are constantly waving in Kansas. Not everybody, but several folks. Maybe it's the small town that makes it easier to identify who you're actually waving at and therefore makes you more willing to do so. So, I've grown up with it and it's become a habit, which leads me to the next reason.

2. It's a habit. It's a good thing to keep in mind as I'm driving in my car. I've done it for so long, I hardly think about it; it's instinct. Plus how much effort could it take to literally "lift a finger"? Little to none!!

3. It's selfless. Granted, it takes little to no effort but for that split second I'm thinking more of another person than I'm thinking of myself. I think that's a good thing plus it's easy to do so why not try it? Sure, it's not in Scripture: "Thou shalt be selfless and wave at people." but it definitely is a small way to put selflessness into practice.

Just think if we all practiced a selfless habit which let others know we were thinking about them, even if we don't know them!!

Also on the way back from work I noticed two motorcycles pass each other. I've seen riders stick their hands out and down towards the road to signal to each other. I guess it's just a motorcycle-riding-thing...who knows! But this particular time only one rider waved. I felt bad for the rider who waved and got nothing in return...


It was such a blessing this morning. I was stopped at the light trying to listen to the words of the Christian song on the radio. I had heard the song previously but never listened to the words. A car pulled along side me and I glanced at the driver. She was singing to herself and I couldn't help but notice that her mouth appeared to be singing the same lyrics as I was hearing in the song. Then I realized they WERE the same lyrics! Same station! And while that might have been cool if we were in the middle of nowhere, I loved it because she knew the words! The song might have been meaningful to me but how much MORE was it meaningful to her! And that's really what worshipping God is all about, right? We might know the words to songs and love them dearly (whether for the tune or the lyrics) but in the end, it's not about us! It's not even about the people next to us or around the world! It's about glorifying God with what we sing and why we sing it! I'm going to LifeLight this weekend. It's my first time there since I was a wee-little-freshman! At camp this summer it was Christian music all the time! I played drums for morning chapels and listened to songs while the kids came into the chapel! It grew on me and I realized that listening to Christian music was not only fun but it helped me through the day! So now I'm lovin' it and listenin' to it ALL the time! And while I'm thankful it motivates me, I'm even more glad that it glorifies God! I can't wait to see thousands of people (a total number of people MORE than attended Obama's speech last night!) worshipping the TRUE leader of this nation! It's gonna be amazing! See you there!

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